Avenue Trees

The avenue trees are not suitable for closed spaces, but they amp up the scenic quotient of any place. Provided you give them enough area to grow out. These trees have been around for a long time.The best part is that they are great for the environment. On Green mall Nursery  you can find a wide variety of avenue trees with a proper guide telling you about the places they are most suitable for as well as their overall upkeep.

Schleichera oleosa
(Kusum tree)
Delonix regia
(Krishnachura tree)
Peltophorum pterocarpum
(Radhachura tree)
Spathodea companulata
(Rudrapalash tree)
Cassia fistula
(Amaltas tree)
Saraca asoca
(Sita Asoka tree)
Colvillea racemosa
Millingtonia hortensis
(Neem chameli tree)
Lagerstromia indica
(Furush tree)
Lagerstroemia speciosa
(Queen crape myrtle)
Tabebuia argentea
Amherstia nobilis
Terminalia arjuna
(Arjun tree)
Cassia alata
(Candle bush tree)
Swietenia mohagony
(Mahogany tree)
Tabebuia rosea
Butea monosperma
(Palash tree)
Acacia auriculiformis
(Akashmoni tree)
Khaya senegalensis
(African mahogany)
Bauhinia blackieana
(Kanchan tree)
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